Thank you 2019, Nice to meet you 2020!

2019 was a blessing to my family in so many ways. I set a goal for myself to learn to start saying no, and to make more time for myself and my family. To focus on what makes me happy. I Marie Kondoed not only my house, but other aspects of my life. I got rid of a lot of stuff that just accumulated over the last four years, really sat down and made myself decide what needed my focus most. I was really trying to do ALL the things, and found myself stretched way too thin. I asked myself what things to I really want to keep on my plate, is there something missing. One thing was noticeably absent, photography. I initially took a break to go back to school, and wanted to make sure I could handle that before adding other things. I attempted some half hearted attempts over the last four years but really never gave it my all. Because I was focusing on so many things at one time, nothing got my all. I also wanted to focus on nourishing relationships/friendships that were fulfilling and that I felt were reciprocated.

We took a trip to Jacksonville, Florida in March to watch my niece, Kiley get married. I got to spend some really wonderful time with that side of my family. My youngest really bonded with my grandmother, which I think is so awesome. We got so spend some time just the five of us and walked around the Beach and look for shells. We lived in the moment, which is something we still need to do more of. When we got back I sat down and shut down my Etsy site, and recreated a brand new watermark and website for my photography business. I did a casting call and things took back off from there. Summer arrived and we spent almost every day in the pool with the kids, and created some new bonds with some awesome people. Towards the end of summer I got a phone call to come interview for the art teacher position at the school my youngest attends. I was so excited and was offered the position and now get to teach art appreciation to young minds. I’ve been having such a blast. Since I do most of my photographing on the weekends anyway, this is perfect. It has been such a nice change, and I love the people I work with. Plus, as a bonus I get to work at the same school as my husband and where my youngest goes to school. I am definitely very blessed.

I’m really looking forward to what’s to come this year. I am excited to continue to grow my business and to be a positive influence on little growing minds. Here’s a throw back to this past year. I thank all of my 2019 clients. Thank you for allowing me to bring you gorgeous images of your lives and loved ones.

Rowan Rakers Photography really had a wonderful year, full of beauty, cuteness and love. I can’t wait to deliver more in 2020.

xoxo~ Rowan

If you would like to book an appointment, please send me an email and we will get you scheduled.